Wednesday, 18 August 2010

GB, Wales 1999

By Peter Marlow GB, Wales 1999 from

Brief overview on his steps from the beginning

Peter Marlow- Born UK 1952

Peter Marlow has been defined in relation to photo- journalism, however he is not a journalist. It was in his early years he set out to be a journalist, however he disliked the war between photographers hunting for fame. In 1980's he gained access to Magnum Co-operative with his portfolio, which he enjoyed as he gained freedom to exercise an independent vision of his own. He started as an international journalist and then came home to UK and discovered many wonderful pieces of art, and now has taken to other places now and his new work with him. 

GB, Wales 1999

This photograph has been captured most perfectly in my opinion as Peter Marlow has managed to capture a well focused photograph with shadows and reflections with great detail. The foregrounds in the photograph has been well focused which adds depth. The composition has been presented well as you have the foreground and the trees and mountains which all fit into the photograph, there is nothing there i would take out that i don't see relevant. The lighting and exposure by the aperture has been set correctly as you can see the outline of the mountains against the sky however not overexposed so much that we end up with the mountains being completely white and no depth to them.  

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